Réserver à Minohodoshirazu

Before making a reservation, please make sure that all guests who are planning to visit the store are informed and agree to the terms and conditions. If the following conditions are not met, we will not be able to accept your reservation. ▶ Our store is a Japanese sake specialty store. It's a bar. Please refrain from entering the store if you are unable to enjoy alcoholic beverages (more than 1 cup of sake) without straining yourself. Alcohol is not something to be forced to drink. (Revised on January 25, 2024) Please refrain from allowing minors, including infants, to enter the store. (Revised on January 25, 2024) There are no soft drinks available. (Revised on January 25, 2024) ▶Please check the monthly menu for the menu for the month you visit. If there are any ingredients that you are not good at, please contact us in advance. If you contact us at the last minute, we may not be able to respond. ▶We cannot accept requests for a wide range of food intolerances (no meat, seafood, etc.), allergies to certain ingredients (dairy products, wheat, etc.), or vegan options. ▶If you will be arriving more than 30 minutes later, please contact us in advance. Telephone inquiries: 050-3627-4760 (Currently unable to connect due to various circumstances)




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