Réserver à Hotel Metropolitan Nagano (Cakes and New Year's dishes) / Hotel Metropolitan Nagano

▶ Please order by noon 3 days before. ▶ Changes cannot be made after making a reservation. If you want to change it, please cancel and make a reservation again. ▶ Please note that if you are late for more than 1 hour from the specified time without contacting us, it will be automatically canceled and no refund will be given. ▶ Please contact us by phone for orders of 10 or more. ▶ When your order is confirmed, an order mail will be sent to the email address specified by the customer. If you do not receive it, your order may not be confirmed, so please contact us by phone. Inquiries by phone: 026-291-7003 Banquet reservation


① 郵便番号/②住所


Mot de passe est trop court (au moins 8 caractères)
Mot de passe est trop faible
Mot de passe doit inclure au moins une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre, et un symbole.
Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
En soumettant ce formulaire, vous acceptez les termes et politiques pertinents.