Réserver à Sky Lounge 203 - Meitetsu Grand Hotel

◇About daytime reservations◇ ・Reservations can be made for 1 to 4 people until 20:00 the day before the date of use. ・Reservations for 5 or more people can be accepted by phone. ・Seating is limited to 90 minutes.・Snacks such as lunch menus are also available. ・Please place orders over ¥1,500 (tax included) per person ▶About cancellation fees If canceled on the day: 100% of the reservation amount will be charged. ◇About bar time reservations◇ ・A cover charge of 1,000 yen will be charged for those ordering alcoholic beverages (500 yen for soft drinks).・We also accept reservations for groups such as after-parties over the phone. *The number of reserved seats is limited. We cannot accept requests for seats such as window seats. *If you have any allergies, please let us know when making your reservation. Please note that we may not be able to provide it on the same day. *If you are unable to arrive at your reserved time, your time may be shortened or we may not be able to accept your reservation. *We may not be able to accept your reservation on event days. *Photos are for illustrative purposes only. Menu contents may change
12 ans et moins
5 ans et moins



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