Réserver à Luciole

《Guidance and requests regarding our restaurant》
・In order to prepare a chef's choice course, we ask that you inform us of any food allergies or foods you cannot eat when making a reservation.
・Please contact us if you have children with you.
・Please note that customers who wish to change the course content may be charged an additional fee.
・Please note that we may not be able to meet your specific seat requests.
・If you can't contact us after 1 hour of the reservation time, we may have to cancel it, so please be sure to contact us if you are late.

Inquiries by phone: 050-8884-2640


If you have any ingredients that you dislike or are allergic to, please write them down. * We are very sorry, but we do not accept reservations for customers with allergies to eggs, dairy products, wheat, nuts, and seeds, which are important for French cuisine. Please contact us for other ingredients.


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