Réserver à Hapimaru Fruits Kagurazaka

[Regarding reservations] ●Please specify the date and time of receipt. ● Reservation 3 days ago Please by ●For orders of 10 or more, please call us. ●Noshi is available. (Please write your name, use, etc. in the request column) [Receiving store] *Please write the name of the receiving store in the request column* ① Hapimaru Fruit Kagurazaka Main Store 6-64 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Miyabi Kagurazaka 1F ② Hapimaru Fruit Kagurazaka Tokyo Dome City LaQua Store 1-1-1 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 1st floor "DELI & DISH" <font color="blue">* Coming soon! Reservations are scheduled to start around May*</font><br> [Payment] ●Payment in advance can only be made by credit card. [Cancellation] ●To cancel an order, Until 17:00 two days before the pick-up date Please contact. We will process the cancellation and refund. Please note that we cannot accept cancellations after that time. [Allergies] ●If you have any allergies or are not good at fruit ingredients, we will respond flexibly. If you have any requests for changes, please feel free to contact us by phone. *Prices may vary depending on the ingredients used. [Telephone inquiries] 03-5261-2080



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