Réserver à Grand Ball Room

▶ For cancellation on the day, 100% cancellation charge will be charged. ▶ If you would like to make a reservation for more than 5 people, please contact us by phone. ▶ Please note that we may not be able to meet your request when you specify your seat. ▶ All seats are non-smoking. ▶ If you are more than 15 minutes late from the reservation time without contacting us, we may cancel your reservation automatically. ▶ 7 items of allergy-specific raw materials are indicated in pictograms in each dish description. <font color="red">* The Grand Ballroom will be a venue without windows. Please note that.</font> * Please note that menu contents and prices are subject to change. * A service charge of 15% will be charged separately from the displayed charge. ****************************************************** ** Restaurant Reservation 045-522-0077 (10 am-5pm)
12 ans et moins
3 ans et moins




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