Réserver à AMALFI UNO

* Reservations for the period from April 29th to May 8th GW The reservation time for lychee time will be a two-hour system from "11:00, 11:30, 13:30". Customers who make a reservation can start from the 3000 yen course. Please understand. * Even on days when reservations are not possible, seats may be available if you contact the store directly. * If you cannot select the planned number of people, please contact the store directly. * Same-day reservations can be made by phone. * Please call us to change or cancel your reservation. * If the reservation time is over 15 minutes without contacting us, we may give priority to the waiting customers. * A seating fee of ¥ 330 per person is charged only at dinner time. * If you order a la carte and wish to have a dessert celebration plate, we accept it for 1200 yen. (In the case of a course, you can receive a message plate for course dessert free of charge. If you want to change to a slightly upgraded plate, we will accept it for 1000 yen.) * To the phone number or email address you received when making a reservation If there are any deficiencies, the reservation may be canceled. Please be sure to enter the correct phone number and email address. * Please note that we may not be able to accept future reservations if you do not come to the store without contacting us. * We do not reply to questions or requests in the remarks column. Inquiries by phone: 0467-40-5101
12 ans et moins


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.


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