Reservar en Restaurant Perfumes

Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seat selection.

If we cannot contact you within 30 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late.

For reservations for 13 or more people, please contact the store directly.

We are unable to accommodate allergies after your visit. Please be sure to inform us of any allergies when making your reservation.

Children who do not want to eat a course meal will not be allowed to enter the restaurant.
Meals will be served in the cafe space attached to our restaurant.
During dinner time, a private room is available for a fee. Please contact us.

Guests with pets can dine on the terrace.
Please contact us. Private rooms are available for a fee during dinner time. Please contact us.

For inquiries by phone: 03-6450-4205


Please fill in regarding allergies. In addition, among the 7 major allergens and foods that have been found to cause food allergy symptoms, only the allergens that have a particularly large number of onsets and have a high degree of severity are supported. *If you do not have any allergens, please write "none".
If you would like a message plate for dessert, please write a message (about 20 characters)

Detalles de invitado

Contraseña es demasiado corto (8 caracteres mínimo)
Contraseña es demasiado débil
Contraseña debe incluir al menos una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
Contraseña no debe contener parte de Correo.
Contraseña no coincide
Al enviar este formulario, aceptas los términos y políticas relevantes.