Reservar en Japanese Restaurant Tofutei - Meguro Gajoen

🍴 🌟About the new membership program “MIYABI PASSPORT”🌟 🍴 Earn 1 point for every ¥1,000 spent. We offer member benefits according to your membership status and a variety of gifts that can be exchanged for each earned point. Click here for member registration method ************************************************ ********************************* ■Room charge This is a restaurant with all seats in private rooms (8 rooms in total). A separate room charge will be charged as follows. Small room for 2 to 6 people Room charge: 12,100 yen per room (tax included) Large room for 7 to 14 people Room charge: 24,200 yen per room (tax included) ▶Please see the official website for details. ■From October 1, 2022 (Saturday), a room charge will be charged for each room for both lunch and dinner. *Only for weekday lunches (excluding course meal orders), room and table charges are not charged when using "shared seating" or "nureen-seki". ■For dinner time on weekdays and lunch/dinner time on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, we will basically guide you in a private room instead of sharing a table, and we will charge a separate room fee. **************************************************** **************************** ■About business hours Japanese restaurant "Watafutei" ▶Please see the official website for details *** **************************************************** ************************* ✅ We have introduced "contactless payment" for non-contact payment. ✅ No need to exchange cash or cards! Non-contact, safe, secure and speedy accounting ✅ After you finish your meal, you can pay while sitting at your seat and without using your smartphone ✅ No need to install a dedicated app! Click here for details 👉 How to use contactless payment ① Select the menu you want to reserve. ② On the next screen, select "Use contactless payment" and enter your card information. ③ On the day of the event, just say "with the card used when making the reservation" and the payment will be completed! Enjoy safely!
12 años y bajo
5 años y bajo


☑ Private room information We kindly ask for your understanding that we do not accept reservations with a specific room name. We will prepare a private room according to the number of people. In addition, the room name will be announced on the day of use. *Please be sure to check the "Information from the store (about room charges)" posted above.
☑ About food allergies and foods that you are not good at If you have any allergies or dislikes, please let us know in advance along with the following 3 points. We would appreciate it if you could ask us in detail about "(1) number of people," "(2) food allergies/disliked ingredients," and "(3) use of dashi, extracts, and binders." Answer example) ■ 1 adult: Crustacean [allergy] (shrimp/crab → NG, octopus/squid → OK, dashi/extract → NG) ■ 2 adults: Meat [disliked] (beef, pork, duck) Meat: OK, chicken: NG) ■ 1 adult: blue fish [poor] (tuna/bonito: OK, other blue fish (shiny fish): NG) 1 child: egg [allergic] (fish eggs: OK, Hen's egg → NG, hen egg binder → NG) 2 children: peanuts [allergy] (sesame → OK, nuts other than peanuts → OK, peanut oil → NG), etc.
Customers who have already registered for the new membership program "MIYABI PASSPORT", please let us know your status in advance. ➤For more information, please visit the official website

Detalles de invitado

Contraseña es demasiado corto (8 caracteres mínimo)
Contraseña es demasiado débil
Contraseña debe incluir al menos una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
Contraseña no debe contener parte de Correo.
Contraseña no coincide
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