Reservar en Lounge & Bar Marine Blue - Intercontinental Yokohama Grand

【Please note that we may be unable to accommodate your requests for specific seating. 】
※Smoking is not permitted in the restaurant at any time. ※There is no dress code required. ※Depending the purchase of stock, the menu might be changed. ※Image is for illustrative purposes. ※We cannot accept table request. ※Please understand that your table will be 120 minute limit for afternoon tea set plan. ※If you are late, we would not extend your table. ※If anything we would cancel your booking, if we cannot contact to you after over 20 minutes.   ※Parking validation available (Minato Mirai Public Parking at underground of PACIFICO Yokohama); 1 hour free parking with purchases over 5,000 yen / 2 hours free parking with purchases over 10,000 yen.  ※Please contact at +81(0)45 223 2267
12 años y bajo
5 años y bajo



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