Reservar en Fortune Garden Kyoto

▶We be close every week on Tuesday.
 On August 13th (Tuesday) , only the restaurant on the first floor will be open.
▶Lunch is open only on weekdays. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are open for dinner only.
▶THE ROOF will be open from Saturday, June 1st, until August 31st, Saturday.
In the case of rain, please understand that our "THE ROOF" will be closed without prior notice.
▶You may be able to make adjustments even if you are full, so please call us.
▶Please refrain from the seat specification. Please note that we may not meet your request even if you request it.
▶Seats will be set from lunch time to 1 hour 30 minutes and dinner time 2 hours from the reservation time.
▶Please note that reservations for pancakes and parfait are not accepted.
▶Bookings of 10 people or more can be made by phone.
For inquiries by phone: 075-254-8843 (10: 00-21:00, Tuesday closed)
12 años y bajo
5 años y bajo


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