Reservar en Age.3

Aplica una tarifa de reserva por persona de ¥ 500 a todas las reservas, y es no reembolsable independientemente de los motivos de cancelación o errores.
This is a system that allows you to receive your products on priority basis by specifying your visit time in advance.
There may be a waiting time during busy times. Please note.
Depending on the timing, there may be times when there is no line, but please note that we will not be able to provide refunds in such cases.

<<Reservation rules>>
●Reservations on this page must be made up to 2 hours in advance.
●We accept reservations up to 7 days in advance.
●Reservation times are approximate. The time you can purchase may change. note that.
●Customers who do not arrive on time may not be able to be guided to the line. Please note.

<<Change your reservation date and time>>
We cannot accept changes to the date and time after the reservation has been completed for any reason. Please be sure to check before confirming your reservation.
In the unlikely event that the date and time change, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please cancel and reschedule your reservation.
*The handling fee (500 yen) will not be refunded.

*Reservations can only be made online.


Detalles de invitado

Contraseña es demasiado corto (8 caracteres mínimo)
Contraseña es demasiado débil
Contraseña debe incluir al menos una letra mayúscula, una letra minúscula, un número y un símbolo.
Contraseña no debe contener parte de Correo.
Contraseña no coincide
Al enviar este formulario, aceptas los términos y políticas relevantes.