Book at Yakiniku Champion Tokyo Prince Hotel

◆ If you are late for more than 15 minutes from the time of reservation, we may automatically cancel it.
◆If you prefer a private room, you will be charged a private room fee (1,000 yen to 2000 yen ) per room.
◆If you are booking for 2 people, please select "Semi-private" in the category.

<Notes for Online Reservations>
We will take your card information at the time of reservation, but no payment will be made.
(The actual fee must be paid on the day of the reservation.)
If you register a debit card for your reservation, the amount of the reservation will be debited from your account immediately upon confirmation of the reservation. The debited amount will be refunded at a later date unless there is a cancellation fee.

<cancellation policy>
If you would like to cancel your reservation, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your reservation time.
For cancellations after the cancellation deadline, a 100% cancellation fee will be charged.


Do you have any food allergies?

Guest Details

Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
Password is too weak
Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
Password doesn't match Confirm Password
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