※※※We want you to enjoy our food and drinks, so we appreciate your understanding.
▶Meals are a la carte only.
▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seat selection.
▶During busy times, you can stay for up to 2 hours. Please note that we may ask you to respond depending on the situation.
▶If you are 15 minutes past your reservation time without contacting us, we may give priority to customers who are waiting.
▶If the phone number or email address you provided at the time of reservation is incorrect, your reservation may be canceled. Please be sure to enter a correct phone number and email address.
▶Please note that we may not be able to accept future reservations for customers who do not come to our store without contacting us.
▶Card payments are accepted for amounts of 5,000 yen or more.
▶To change or cancel your reservation, please call the number below.
▶For reservations for 9 or more people, please contact the store directly.
▶For same-day cancellations, we will charge 5,000 yen per person regardless of the reason for cancellation.
▶Please note that we cannot accommodate requests for birthday plates, etc.
▶Please refrain from using hair products or perfumes with strong fragrances. For inquiries by phone: 03-5761-6315


Guest Details

Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
Password is too weak
Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
Password doesn't match Confirm Password
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