Book at Noeud.×THE CHEF'S

▶ We may not be able to accommodate your request for a seat. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
▶ If we cannot contact you after 30 minutes, we may cancel your reservation. Please let us know if you will be late.
▶ If you would like to make a reservation for more than 10 people, please contact the store directly.
▶ Customers who use excessive perfume may refrain from entering the store.

Call 06-4708-5830

< Dress code/attire >
We may not accept shorts or sandals.
6 years and under


Please let us know if you have any allergies or dislikes.
For celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries, we can attach a message to the dessert.
We also have seasonal decoration cakes and seasonal fruit tarts in size 4 (3,000 yen including tax) with a diameter of 12 cm.

Guest Details

Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
Password is too weak
Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
Password doesn't match Confirm Password
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