Book at Kuzushi Kotowari

Business hours : 18:00-22:30 Closed: Wednesdays (irregular holidays)
▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your seating request.
▶If you are more than 30 minutes late for your reservation, your reservation will be canceled. Please arrive on time for your reservation.
▶There is no children's menu. If an adult will be ordering the same menu as the child, please include them in the number of adults. 【cancellation policy】 Please cancel by the day before. ・24 hours or more before: 50% of the course fee ・6 hours or more before: 100% of the course fee ・Cancellation without permission: 100% of the course fee *Please be sure to contact us in advance if you wish to change or cancel your reservation. Thank you for your understanding.
12 years and under
5 years and under


If you have any food allergies, please include them in your list. If there is none, please write "None".
*We may not be able to accept requests made on the same day. note that.
*Due to the nature of the course, we are unable to accommodate guests who do not wish to eat seafood.
*If you would like a gluten-free meal, we can provide the meal without wheat flour, but we cannot provide the course without soy sauce. Please note.
*However, food that may cause allergies may be prepared in the same kitchen.

Guest Details

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Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
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