Book at フレンチの森(La Rose)

■La Rose Recommended Summer Course ~Lunch~ ✓ Only in July and August! A course with one drink to enjoy Awaji Island in the summer ✓ Only for weekday lunch in August! Course with a gift of melon ice cream with dacquoise ✓ Rose course where you can enjoy luxurious summer ingredients ~Dinner~ ✓ Course with a gift of a summer cocktail that combines Awaji Island melon and champagne ✓ Enjoy Awaji Island! Course with the three major summer ingredients "sea urchin, abalone, and conger eel" ✓ A luxurious moment for adults. Champagne free flow plan ================================ La Rose Closed on Tuesdays ▶ Please note that we may not be able to meet your seating request. ▶ If we are unable to contact you after 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may be forced to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are late. ▶ For reservations of 10 or more people, please contact the store directly. For inquiries by phone: 0799709062 *For reservations made the day before or on the day, please contact us by phone. If you wish to stay overnight, please make a reservation from the following URL. Reservations for Prince Etoile are here Reservations for Grand Baobab are here


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Please write down the ages of any accompanying children. (We do not accept children aged 10 and under.)

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