Reserviere Brasserie du Quai / The Westin Yokohama

Please contact us directly for reservations on the day after 11am for lunch and 5pm for dinner.
▶Restaurant Resrvation:045-577-0870 (10:00~19:00)

 Weekday 11:30~14:30 (L.O.14:00)
 Weekend/Holiday 12:00~16:00 (L.O.15:30)
◆Dessert Buffet:
 15:00~17:00 (L.O.16:30)
 17:30~22:00 (L.O.21:30)

[For customers booking online reservations]
*<Online Reservation Only> plans are limited to the special offers on this website and cannot be accepted by phone or email.
*Cannot be combined with other benefits or discounts

*Please let us know in advance if you have a purpose for using our restaurant such as celebration, business use etc.
*Menu contents, prices, etc. may change without prior notice.
*Prices include consumption tax and service charges.
*Photos are for illustrative purposes only.
*If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Restaurant Reservations.
▶Restaurant Reservations: 045-577-0870 (10:00~19:00)
12 Jahre und jünger
3 Jahre und jünger


If you have any food allergies or food restrictions, kindly fill in the details including parties you are accompanying with.
And please include the details.
<< Example: Crab allergy (soup stock is also NG) There is no problem with fish and shellfish other than crab, etc. >>

* If there are no food allergy or food restriction, kindly enter "None".
We can provide message plates for celebrations and other occasions. If you would like a message, please enter it in the reply field (approximately 20 characters).

Gast Einzelheiten

Passwort ist zu kurz (weniger als 8 Zeichen)
Passwort ist zu schwach
Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
Passwort darf keinen Teil von E-Mail enthalten.
Passwort stimmt nicht mit Passwortbestätigung überein
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