Reserviere LOKAL HOUSE CAFE & BAR - voco Osaka Central

This is the reservation page for LOKAL HOUSE CAFE & BAR.

▶Please inform us of the purpose of your meal (birthday, business entertainment, etc.) and any food allergies.
▶We may not be able to accommodate your request for a specific seat. Thank you for your understanding.
▶If you do not arrive within 30 minutes of your reservation time, we may cancel your seat.
 Please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late.
▶Children are not allowed after 6pm.
▶Please contact the hotel if you have a request that requires a reply, or if you have a reservation for a number of plans or
numbers that cannot be selected.
▶Prices include 10% service charge and tax. Please note that menus, promotions, and prices are subject to change.
▶The photos shown are for illustrative purposes only.

[Cafe & Bar]
Mon-Thur, Sun, Holidays 9:30-23:00 (LO 22:30)
Fri, Sat 9:30-23:30 (LO 23:00)
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


Will you be staying at our hotel on that day?
If you have any allergies, please fill in the details.
*We would appreciate it if you could also fill in the details such as extracts and whether or not the food can be heated.

Gast Einzelheiten

Passwort ist zu kurz (weniger als 8 Zeichen)
Passwort ist zu schwach
Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
Passwort darf keinen Teil von E-Mail enthalten.
Passwort stimmt nicht mit Passwortbestätigung überein
Durch das Absenden dieses Formulars stimmen Sie den relevanten Bedingungen und Richtlinien zu.