Reserviere The Lounge - Hotel New Otani Makuhari

-Please inform us of any allergies or restrictions beforehand.
-Please note that we may not be able to accommodate all table preferences.
-Please include any accompanying infants in the number of persons.
-Please let us know two days or more in advance if you would like to arrange for flowers, cakes, etc. through the restaurant.
-For any requests that require replies, special restaurant events not listed below, or reservations for groups of 6 or more people, please call the restaurant.

A 100% cancellation charge applies for any no-shows.
Your reservation may be cancelled if you do not arrive 30 minutes after your reserved time without prior notice.

No smoking in restaurant (except for private rooms and designated smoking booth).

* Menu lineup, special offers, and prices are subject to change without prior notice.
* Service charge will be added to your bill.
12 Jahre und jünger
3 Jahre und jünger


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