Reserviere Matsugen Ebisu

■If you have more than 5 persons or would like a private room, please call us to make a reservation.
■A private room fee of 1,000 yen per room will be charged when using a semi-private or private room. (The number of rooms may increase depending on the number of guests.)
■For seating arrangements, please make reservations by phone if you are bringing children. Please note that we may not be able to guarantee seats even if online reservations have been completed.
■Please understand that your table is booked for two hours.

<Notes for Online Reservations>
We will take your card information at the time of reservation, but no payment will be made.
(The actual fee must be paid on the day of the reservation.)
If you register a debit card for your reservation, the amount of the reservation will be debited from your account immediately upon confirmation of the reservation. The debited amount will be refunded at a later date unless there is a cancellation fee.

<Cancellation Policy>
If you would like to cancel your reservation, please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your reservation time.
For cancellations after the cancellation deadline, a 100% cancellation fee will be charged.


Do you have any food allergies?

Gast Einzelheiten

Passwort ist zu kurz (weniger als 8 Zeichen)
Passwort ist zu schwach
Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
Passwort darf keinen Teil von E-Mail enthalten.
Passwort stimmt nicht mit Passwortbestätigung überein
Durch das Absenden dieses Formulars stimmen Sie den relevanten Bedingungen und Richtlinien zu.