Reserviere Matsukaze Japanese Restaurant - ヒルトン成田

▶ Reservation of 9 persons and above, please call our restaurant reservation center.
▶ When you accompany child/infant, please state the number including them.
▶ Prices are inclusive of applicable tax and service charge.
▶ Please be aware that if we don’t hear from you by the reservation time, we may have to release your seats.
▶ If you are allergy to any food stuff, please state them specifically.
▶ We may not be able to meet your request of seat preference depending on seat availability.
▶ Upon confirmation of your seat, total amount of dining charge will not be indicated on the screen. We will charge you at cashier when you leave the restaurant.
▶There may be the situation you are unable to book online, it is due to seat availability. Please feel free to contact us by phone.
12 Jahre und jünger
4 Jahre und jünger


For children under 5, please state their ages and number of booster seat you require.
If you are allergy to any food stuff, please state the details.
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