Reserviere Hawaii · Ginza Onodera Sushi

▶ Online reservations are accepted up to one day prior to the reservation date.
▶We don't accept with Apple Pay
▶Please inform us if you or anyone in your party has any dietary restrictions or allergies.
▶Our menus contain food allergens contained in raw fish, shellfish, as well as wheat, soy and eggs.
▶Consuming raw, undercooked seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.
▶In order to offer the best ingredients of the day, please note that the menu is subject to change.
Cancellation fee: On the booking date (24 hour). will charge 100% per person. This policy also applies to reductions of the party.
For reservations on the day or over 5 pax party,
please call the restaurant by phone. Reservations on the day it can not be canceled. Cancel surely call the shop.
☎ (808) 735-2375
▶We have limited parking spaces. We recommend carpooling if you coming in large groups.
12 Jahre und jünger


Should you have any allergy, please do let us know the detail in advance.

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