Reserviere Goemon

Business hours Lunch: 12:00 (all guests start at the same time) Dinner: 16:00-20:00 (last entry) ▶Even after your reservation has been confirmed online, the restaurant may contact you to confirm your reservation▶If we are unable to contact you after 20 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late. *We have the following cancellation policy. Within 24 hours of your reservation time: 100% of the course fee Within 72 hours of your reservation time: 50% of the course fee *Even if you cancel without permission, we will charge 100% of the course fee. ▶Please contact the restaurant directly if you wish to make a reservation for 5 or more people. ▶We only offer counter seats▶A separate 10% service fee is charged▶Children must be junior high school students or older and can eat the same course as adults. Phone inquiries: 092-406-8008



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