Reserviere forare

<Business hours>
Lunch 11:30-13:00 (LO 13:00)
Dinner 17:30-20:30 (LO 20:30)
Closed on Wednesdays

Reservation rules
●Regarding seat reservations, we may not be able to accommodate your request. Please note that there are also
●If we cannot contact you within 30 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you will be late. ●For children, please make reservations for children over 12 years old, ordering the same course as adults. For details, please contact us by phone.

cancellation of reservations For
cancellations and changes, a cancellation fee will be charged as shown below, starting from the time of arrival.
The day before: 100% of the reservation fee


Please let us know the details of any allergies or intolerances.
We may not be able to accommodate same-day requests.
It may also be difficult to respond to excessive requests.
Thank you for your understanding.
Example: Both people don't like cheese. Example: One person has an allergy to shrimp, doesn't like extracts. Doesn't like onions, can eat them if heated, etc. *If not, please write "none."

Gast Einzelheiten

Passwort ist zu kurz (weniger als 8 Zeichen)
Passwort ist zu schwach
Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
Passwort darf keinen Teil von E-Mail enthalten.
Passwort stimmt nicht mit Passwortbestätigung überein
Durch das Absenden dieses Formulars stimmen Sie den relevanten Bedingungen und Richtlinien zu.