Reserviere Brasserie Harmony - Hotel East 21 Tokyo

▶ Online booking is available for 1 to 8 people.
For more than 8 people, please contact us by telephone.
※ We accept dinner buffet from 1 person to 10 people on the web

▶ Reservations on the Internet are accepted until 21:00 one day before coming to the store.
Reservation of the day is available on the phone.
※ Reservations for dinner buffet from the web are available until 14:00 on the day

▶ All seats are non-smoking seats.
▶ Please let us know if you can not get allergy or ingestion.
Store telephone number: 03-5683-5714
12 Jahre und jünger
3 Jahre und jünger


食材のアレルギーがございましたら、ご記入くださいませ。 ※記入例:卵アレルギー

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