Reserviere Avatar Robot Cafe DAWN ver.β

<Notes for reservations
This is a reservation for OriHime Diner. The alter-ego robot café DAWN ver beta can be used without a reservation.

Adults (12 years old and up) 4,400 yen (tax included)
Children (4-11 years old) 2,200 yen (tax included)
Children under 3 years old are free of charge.

The fee includes the following
Ticket for admission to OriHime area
OriHime tabletop customer service experience
One meal
One beverage

What is OriHime Diner?
A seat where one OriHime pilot is assigned to each table to provide a customer service experience along with your meal. Reservations are not required for regular use of the café or other OriHime content.

・Payment is by cashless payment only.
・If you miss your reservation by more than 15 minutes, your reservation will be cancelled.
Seats are available for a maximum of 90 minutes from the reserved time.
・”OriHimeThe diner ”fee includes one dish and one beverage in addition to the OriHime customer service experience. Please choose your food and beverage from the menu on the day of the event. (Some additional options available)
・”OriHime Diner” is available for a minimum of two persons.

OriHime pilots will provide guidance basically in Japanese. Some pilots can provide guidance in English, and we will make every effort to meet your requests, but we may not always be able to meet your requests. Please understand this in advance.
Please note that we may not always be able to meet your request.

*Please do not include children under 3 years old in the number of guests, and please make a reservation after entering the number of children in your question.
If the telephone number or e-mail address provided at the time of reservation is incomplete, the reservation may be cancelled.

・We may not be able to accept any future reservations from customers who fail to show up for a reservation.
Please read the terms and conditions of use of DAWN ver.beta before making a reservation.

<Please read the cancellation policy.>
Cancellation up to the day before: No cancellation fee will be charged.
Cancellation on the day: 80% of the reservation amount
Cancellation without notice: 100% of the reservation amount

・”OriHime Diner” is available for a minimum of two persons.
11 Jahre und jünger


*Wenn Sie Nahrungsmittelallergien haben, notieren Sie diese bitte. *Wenn Sie Kinder unter 3 Jahren haben, geben Sie bitte deren Alter und Anzahl der Kinder an. (Grundsätzlich gibt es an einem Tisch maximal 4 Personen. Je nach Situation können wir Sie daher bitten, sich auf 2 Tische aufzuteilen, oder wir können Ihre Reservierung möglicherweise nicht annehmen, weil wir Ihrem Wunsch nicht nachkommen können.)
Aus welchem Land kommst du? (Ohne Japan)

Gast Einzelheiten

Passwort ist zu kurz (weniger als 8 Zeichen)
Passwort ist zu schwach
Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
Passwort darf keinen Teil von E-Mail enthalten.
Passwort stimmt nicht mit Passwortbestätigung überein
Durch das Absenden dieses Formulars stimmen Sie den relevanten Bedingungen und Richtlinien zu.