Reserviere Modern Thai CIEL Kitasando

This is Kitasando store
Please select from the options above for the Osaka main store .

▶ We may not be able to accommodate your request for seat designation. Thank you for your understanding.
▶For reservations for 9 or more people, please contact the store directly.
▶There is no age limit for children, but we will offer the same course as adults.
*Due to the limited space in the store, strollers may be required. You cannot bring your own food.
▶ A 10% service charge will be charged separately during dinner time (there is no service charge in February and March)
▶ No lunch service

Closed: Temporarily closed on Wednesday, March 7th (Thursday)


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.
If you would like a message plate for a celebration, please fill in the details.
Fresh spring roll plate +1000 yen / Whole cake 4000 yen (excluding tax and service)

Gast Einzelheiten

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Passwort muss mindestens einen Großbuchstaben, einen Kleinbuchstaben, eine Zahl und ein Symbol umfassen.
Passwort darf keinen Teil von E-Mail enthalten.
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