Reserviere Ajidokoro Kifuya - Urayasu Brighton Hotel Tokyo Bay

🎁GOGO Brighton Campaign🎁 [Period: 9/2-10/30] We have prepared a special plan for a limited time! For details, Here Starting from!! 🍓We have options recommended for birthdays and anniversaries🍓 ・Anniversary plate from 2,500 yen (reservations required by 6pm three days prior) ・Respect for the Aged Day anniversary plate from 3,500 yen (reservations required by 6pm three days prior) ・Whole cake from 3,500 yen (reservations required by 6pm two days prior) ▶If you would like a private room (for 5 people or more), please contact us by phone. ▶If you require a baby chair, please enter this in the request field. ▶ On weekends and holidays, the "table seats" are divided into two sessions: 11:30-13:00 and 13:30-15:00 (last order 14:30). ▶If you have a food allergy, please contact the store by phone at least one day before your visit. Please click here for more details.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


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