Reserviere Teppanyaki Himorogi - Urayasu Brighton Hotel Tokyo Bay

🍓We offer options recommended for birthdays and anniversaries🍓 ・Anniversary plate from 2,500 yen (reservations required by 6pm three days in advance) ・Whole cake from 3,500 yen (reservations required by 6pm two days in advance) ■Information from the restaurant■ ▶All seating is at the counter surrounding the hot plate. ▶For reservations of 11 or more people, please contact us by phone. ▶Seating on weekends and holidays is limited to two hours. ▶If you have a food allergy, please contact the restaurant by phone at least one day before your visit. Please click here for more details.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger



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