Reserviere Alveare

☆Reservations can be made for one person or more at the counter. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your seating request. ☆Even if online reservations are not possible, we may be able to accommodate by phone on some days. ☆Online reservations for the day are accepted until 3:00 p.m. After 3:00 p.m., reservations will be accepted by phone. ☆Reservations for a la carte menu from 8:00 p.m. are only accepted by phone. ☆We do not accommodate gluten-free (as the course includes 3-4 pasta dishes), vegetarian, or vegan options. ☆For reservations for 8 or more people, please contact the restaurant directly. ☆A 10% service charge will be charged separately. ☆Cancellation fees for reservations are 50% the day before and 100% on the day. {Course fee for the number of people + consumption tax} For inquiries by phone: 03-6438-9088


Please write down any ingredients you dislike or allergies you have. *If you have no allergies, please write "none." Due to procurement restrictions, it may be difficult to change the menu on the day, so we appreciate your cooperation.
例)お誕生日→Happy Birthday+お名前
結婚記念日→Happy Anniversary等(総文字数15~30程度)

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