احجز في Trattoria Ponte Nara / Novotel Nara

・Please understand that we may not be able to meet your request.
・Please be sure to contact us if you will be arriving late, as we might have to cancel if you don't get back to us within 15 minutes of the scheduled time.
・To make a reservations for 9 or more persons, please contact us directly.
・The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Menu contents and prices could change at any time.
・If you are using a discount for a full-rate menu, such as a membership discount, please indicate the type of discount in the request column.
・Special deals and discounts cannot be used at the same time.
・Smoking is prohibited in the hotel. (Smoking areas are available on the 1st and 2nd floors.)

Please contact us for inquiries.
Contact number: 0742-32-3022
Email address: HC166-FB@accor.com
12 سنة أو أقل
5 سنة أو أقل


Please let us know if you have any allergies or require any other special precautions.
Also, if you are allergic, please let us know if extracts or sauces are okay as well as whether if it is possible to be prepared in the same kitchen.
If not, please write “NONE”.
If you would like a message plate for your birthday or anniversary, please inform us.

بيانات الضيف

محتوى كلمة المرور أقصر من اللّازم (الحد الأدنى هو 8 حروف)
كلمة المرور ضعيفة جدا
يجب أن تحتوى على الأقل على حرف كبير وحرف صغير ورقم واحد ورمز واحد.
يجب ألا يحتوي على جزء من البريد الإلكتروني.
محتوى تأكيد كلمة المرور لا يتوافق مع تأكيد كلمة المرور
ب تقديم هذا النموذج، فإنك توافق على الشروط والسياسات ذات الصلة.