احجز في 炭火焼肉 琉宮苑

★During the Obon holiday period, August 11-15, restaurant use will be limited to guests staying at the resort. Thank you for your understanding in advance. ▶Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for seating. ▶If we are unable to contact you 30 minutes after your reservation time, we may be forced to cancel your reservation, so please be sure to contact us if you are going to be late. ▶For reservations of 12 or more people, please contact the store directly. Telephone inquiries: 0980-74-7229 [Please be sure to check] The restaurants and bars at Shigira Seven Miles Resort Hotel and the restaurants and bars at the resort, which are operated by our company, have set up " Terms of Use " so that our customers can use them with peace of mind.
12 سنة أو أقل
5 سنة أو أقل


Choose your accommodation.
Please let us know the details of your allergies and dislikes. We may not be able to accommodate you on the day. For example, one person is allergic to shrimp, and cannot eat extracts. Dislikes onions, but can eat them if cooked, etc. *If you do not have any, please write "None".

بيانات الضيف

محتوى كلمة المرور أقصر من اللّازم (الحد الأدنى هو 8 حروف)
كلمة المرور ضعيفة جدا
يجب أن تحتوى على الأقل على حرف كبير وحرف صغير ورقم واحد ورمز واحد.
يجب ألا يحتوي على جزء من البريد الإلكتروني.
محتوى تأكيد كلمة المرور لا يتوافق مع تأكيد كلمة المرور
ب تقديم هذا النموذج، فإنك توافق على الشروط والسياسات ذات الصلة.