احجز في Lobby Bar - Evergreen Hotels Tainan, Taiwan

Name of business entity: 台灣糖業股份有限公司台糖長榮酒店(台南)
Business ID number: 98817816

Hello! Welcome to use Taiwan Sugar Evergreen to make an appointment. Please read the following instructions before booking.
【Reservation Information】
◆ The reservation reservation time is 15 minutes, if the time exceeds the time, it will be regarded as a cancellation of the reservation.
◆ Please wear a mask when leaving your seat.
◆ The hotel is equipped with a parking lot for cars and motorcycles.
◆ Special requirements for seats will depend on the actual situation and seating arrangements on site. Please forgive us that we cannot guarantee that they will be met. Please inform us of the purpose of your meal reservation (birthday, family gathering, company dinner, etc.).
◆ If you are allergic to any food or have special dietary needs, please inform us when booking.
◆ For reservations for more than 10 people, please call the restaurant or make reservations via e-mail. We will contact you as soon as possible.
◆ If you encounter any problems: such as unable to make a reservation, or unable to choose your actual number of people or meal time, please call 06-3373861 and we will assist you as soon as possible.


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