Tokyo Dome Bowling Center 온라인 예약

★After your reservation application is received on this page, we will send you an email to let you know whether your reservation has been accepted or not.・Reservations can be made from 3 months prior to the day of play. *2 months prior only for Bubba Gump Shrimp Tokyo. ・Reservations made within 3 days of the day of play can only be made by phone. ・We may not be able to accommodate your request due to tournaments and other circumstances. ・Please note that a fee will be charged for cancellations. ・If the number of people using the facility exceeds 100, please write the number of people in the request field. ・All prices listed are inclusive of tax. ・Bowling pack is a package fee for 2 games + rental shoes + meal. ・When using the bowling pack, meals start 90 minutes after the start of bowling. ・Drinking is not permitted in the 5th floor bowling center. ・Food and drinks cannot be brought into the CuBAR LOUNGE. *5th floor = Tokyo Dome Bowling Center 4th floor = CuBAR LOUNGE Please select the number of people, date, time, and category, then choose a plan.



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