Le Poulet Brasserie Ukai 온라인 예약

*Available from 60 days before the desired date.
*We accept reservations for up to 12 people online.
If you are making a reservation for 13 or more people, please contact us by phone.
*We may be able to accommodate you even on days when there are no online reservation slots, so please feel free to contact the store.

Le Poulet Brasserie Ukai
1F Otemachi Park Building, 1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
TEL :+81-3-3217-5252
Lunch 11:30-15:00(14:00L.O.)
Dinner 17:30-21:30(19:30L.O.)

Closed: 2nd and 4th Saturdays and Sundays
12세 이하


Do you have any food allergy or food restriction? Please let us know the details and the number of people concerned. ex.) Shellfish allergy : 2 people

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