B store 온라인 예약

▶If you can't contact us after 15 minutes of the reservation time, we may have to cancel it, so please be sure to contact us by phone if you are late. ▶For same-day reservations or reservations for 9 or more people, please contact the restaurant directly. ▶Children over junior high school students are requested to order one course. Please note that there is no menu other than the course. In addition, we may be forced to leave baby strollers, etc. at the store as it is a small store. ▶We do not have special dessert plates for birthday celebrations. However, it is possible to provide simple decorations along with regular desserts only for birthday celebrations. We are very sorry, but we do not have a message for each name or other decorations for celebrations. If you wish, please write in the request column. ▶Business hours are 12:00-16:00 for lunch, and 17:00-21:00 for dinner. ▶If it gets crowded, we may ask customers who have finished their meal to give up their seats. We appreciate your understanding as we are a small shop. Inquiries by phone: 075-365-0777
12세 이하
5세 이하


If you have any allergies or foods that do not suit your body, please let us know. Please note that we don't have the menu for vegetalian and vegan. We apologize for the inconvenience, but if there is nothing, please indicate so.

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