Urbano (Pickup & Delivery) - ANA Crowne Plaza Okayama 온라인 예약

■ Okayama Prefecture Premium meal vouchers are available. This is a reservation page exclusively for "Takeout" and "Delivery". * For the time, select the time when you can pick up the item (desired delivery time). * We may ask you to confirm by phone. <Application method> Only advance reservations will be sold (until 15:00 two days before the application deadline) <Payment method> Advance credit payment at the time of reservation / Cash payment on the day <Delivery method> Delivery or delivery at the hotel <Delivery Hours> 11:00 am to 7:00 pm <Delivery range> Only one copy of the product will be delivered within a radius of 3 km from Okayama Station. <Telephone number> Inquiries about delivery 086-898-2262 Inquiries about products 086-898-2268 (10 am to 7 pm)


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