Réserver à Yanbar Meat / Okinawa Cuisine Shimabutaya

【Meat Val & Dining Yanbaru Meat】
Prepared by the prefecture Kuroge Wagyu Prefecture-made brand pigs prepared menu!
You can enjoy the meat of Okinawa with carefully selected wine.
【Ryukyu cuisine and gymnasium】
We hospitality guests with freshly-fished prefecture fish (now) and local cuisine.
From classic dishes to delicacies, please relish with Awamori!

· Reservations online are available up to 3 months in advance.
· Please contact us if there is a special request to store.
· 18:30 ~ 20:30 is very crowded.
· If you can not contact us after 15 minutes of reservation, please be sure to contact us as we will be forced to cancel as it may be delayed.
· Please inform us in advance if you are allergic to the ingredients.
· Please be advised that the seat type can not be specified.

Okinawa Expressway Ishikawa I.C. 10 minutes by car
10 private parking spaces
Okinawa Prefecture Kunigami gun Onna village Meshihisa 858-1


If your party has children 12 yo or under, please inform us of the number and ages of the children.
Please fill in if you have allergic or NG food ingredients.


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