Book at Ramen Jazzy Beats

A ¥ 500 per-person booking fee applies to all reservations, and is non-refundable irrespective of cancellation reasons or errors.
This is the reservation page for Ramen Jazzy Beats in front of Nakameguro Station.
Please be careful not to confuse this with the main store.

If you specify your arrival time in advance, you will be given priority seating.
This is not a reservation for a seat, so there will be a waiting time when it is crowded. Thank you for your understanding.

*Schedule of Reservation Openings*
Reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance and will be opened each day at midnight.

*Reservation rules*
*Please make sure to order one bowl of noodle dishes per person.
*Children under elementary school age are also welcome to order.
*When taking photos inside the restaurant, please be careful not to include other customers or staff in the photos.
*We do not accept customers wearing strong-smelling perfume, hairspray, hair styling products, etc. as they will ruin the aroma of the soup and cause a nuisance to other customers.

*Changes to reservation date, time, and number of people*
We cannot accept changes to the number of people or date and time after a reservation has been made for any reason.
Please be sure to check before placing your order. If there is any change in the date, time, or number of people, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please cancel and make a new reservation.
*Fees will not be refunded.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the store.
*We cannot accept reservations directly over the phone.

*For the time being, we only accept cash payments.
* Credit cards, transportation payments, and QR code payments are currently being prepared. Please note that they are not currently available.


Guest Details

Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
Password is too weak
Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
Password doesn't match Confirm Password
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