▶ We accept reservations for up to 10 people. For reservations for 11 people or more please contact us by email.
▶ The menu of choice will be the same for every individual of the group.
▶ We might not be able to provide you with your requested seat, such as ocean view, etc.
▶ Please note that balcony seats are not covered and therefore may not be available during rainy days.
▶ In the case of arriving later than 30 minutes after the time of the reservation, please be sure to contact us as we may cancel your reservation otherwise.

【Concerning the number of people】
▶ Please enter the number of people who are 13 years old and older in the "Adult" column.
▶ Please enter the number of children aged 4 to 12 in the "Child" column.
▶ Please enter the number of children under 3 years in "Infant" column.
65 years and over
12 years and under
3 years and under


What did you look at before making your reservation?

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Password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one symbol.
Password must not contain part of Email.
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