Sonia Ravindran: Conquering Singapore's F&B market with tech

The TableCheck Sales Manager talks about her career in sales and what it takes to supercharge Singapore's F&B industry



Mar 27, 2024 - 2 min read

Sonia Ravindran: Conquering Singapore's F&B market with tech

Throughout Sonia Ravindran's career, she has always been passionate about connecting with people. From her stint as a marketing intern in Novartis, and as a sales representative to La Maison du Whisky, forging relationships and serving clients had always been what drove her in her career while also pursuing personal fulfillment.

Sonia's passion for working in the hospitality industry translated into her new role as a Sales Manager for TableCheck. She joined the team in April 2023 to help expand TableCheck's footprint in Singapore – one of the key markets for TableCheck as the company expands its footprint beyond Japan.

Read the rest of our interview with Sonia below:

1. Give a short overview of your professional career to date in sales and hospitality.

I have worked in the industry for the past few years and it still fuels my passion for hospitality. Working in sales helps me understand the industry’s common challenges. My career in sales and hospitality is very meaningful to me, it pushes me to constantly innovate and be committed to creating an impact within the community.

2. What strategies have been most successful in your sales career?

Having been in Operations myself allows me to relate to F&B stakeholders from different viewpoints, enabling me to relate better and develop strong relationships with clients. I also prioritize understanding clients’ pain points and their current needs so that I can effectively show them how TableCheck Manager could benefit them. It gives me much satisfaction when I can help restaurants streamline their operations and enhance the guest experience more conveniently.

"I prioritize understanding client's pain points."

3. What's your sales mantra?

In sales, rejections are also equally common, but I handle them with a positive attitude and use them as a learning point to improve. The quote ‘rejection is redirection’ is something I live by, as it just means that I have to adapt to the rapidly evolving space and keep up to date with current industry trends to serve clients better.

4. What's the best thing about your job as a Sales Manager at TableCheck?

I truly enjoy the dynamic and relationship-driven nature of sales. It allows me to connect with people, understand their needs, and find solutions that genuinely benefit them. Witnessing the positive impact on clients and their businesses is incredibly fulfilling.

Specifically, what excites me about TableCheck is how it aligns perfectly with my passion for the hospitality industry. TableCheck empowers restaurants with innovative tools and solutions, allowing them to streamline operations, enhance guest experiences, and ultimately thrive in a competitive environment.

"TableCheck empowers restaurants with innovative tools and solutions."

5. Give us an overview of the restaurant industry in Singapore

Singapore offers a diverse culinary landscape due to its multicultural population and it has become a notable destination for fine dining with a high number of Michelin-starred establishments as well. The restaurant industry here is also highly competitive, which drives innovation resulting in restaurants offering unique experiences to stand out.

6. What makes TableCheck stand out over its competitors?

TableCheck is a well-established brand in the reservation software industry, with a user-friendly platform and continuous development cycle, constantly innovating with new features. This focus ensures we remain relevant to the evolving needs of the industry. The dedication and expertise of the support team are also a testament to how we are committed to the needs of our customers. In all, we place ourselves as a comprehensive reservation and guest management system which simplifies operations for restaurants and offers complete control over data management.

Award-winning restaurants use TableCheck as their preferred reservation system. TableCheck helps restaurants, and Hotel F&B properties in Singapore deliver unforgettable dining experiences to guests. 

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