Reserviere Pasela Resorts Ginza

<Room selection> You can choose your room type when making a reservation.・If you have a preference for the room type, please select from the categories . ・If you select a category with a [💰 mark], a charge will be applied. ・If you select [No preference], we will prepare the most suitable room for the number of people using the room. In that case, there will be no additional charge. <About charge fees> A charge will be applied in the concept rooms marked with the following [💰 mark]. 💰 Cinema 100 inches and up: 150 yen/30 minutes/1 person 💰 Large screen 65 inches and up: 100 yen/30 minutes/1 person <About Premium Karaoke MODISF> " Premium Karaoke MODIS Ginza " <Other announcements>・Please see the room gallery here . ・Please see here for frequently asked questions (Q&A). <About tobacco>・Electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products are permitted in private rooms (some rooms are completely non-smoking). ・For cigarettes, please use the smoking area.
12 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


For customers using Pasela ■ Regarding concept charge 💰Cinema 100"+: 150 yen/30 minutes/1 person💰Large screen 65"+: 100 yen/30 minutes/1 personIf you would like to use the large screen, please note that we will charge you the above additional fee. If you do not agree, we will not be able to accommodate your desired room, so please understand that you will be accommodated in a regular room. Also, even if you agree to the fee, if you do not select a room type, you will be accommodated in a regular room. *Please note that the number of movable projectors is limited and we may not be able to lend them out depending on the reservation situation.

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